this is your first time reading this blog hi I am The Mysterious Diner. I
am really a kid who is nine years old who eats at restaurants and gives a
report on them. I am like most nine year olds, I am in third grade and
live a good life I even do a martial art. But to let you in on
something, if I give a good or great report on some restaurant they
DIDN’T PAY ME those are my ideas not their ideas. And another thing is I
typed theses reports I didn’t just tell mom or dad what to type and
they did what I said. I typed this with my own fingers. And a few more
things I will have pictures and a travel part in case you live outside
of Illinois. So have fun on my blog. I will try to post at least once
every two weeks.
P.S. if you are a grown up reading this please let your kid read it too.
The Mysterious Diner